The seventh of ICONST organizations was held in Durres/Albania between September 4-6, 2024 with the theme of ‘science for sustainable technology' again. In recent years, weather changes due to climate change have reached a perceptible level for everyone and have become a major concern. For this reason, scientific studies that transform technological progress into a sustainable one is seen as the only solution for humanity's salvation. Here we ask ourselves "which branch of science is responsible for sustainability?". Sustainability science is an interdisciplinary field of study that covers all basic sciences with social, economic, ecological dimensions. If we consider technology as the practical application of scientific knowledge, the task of scientists under these conditions is to design products that consume less energy, require less raw materials, and last longer.
ICONST organizations organize congresses on sustainability issues of three main fields of study at the same time in order to present different perspectives to scientists. This year, 194 papers from 21 different countries presented by scientists in ICONST Organizations.
ICONST 2024 - Durres, ALBANIA || Proceedings & Abstracts Book || Programs
iconst_lst_2024_abstracts_and_proceeding_book | pdf file
iconst_nst_2024_abstracts_and_proceeding_book | pdf file
