We would like to remind you that your papers submitted to ICONST (2025) can be published in one of the International Journals listed as below after the completion of a formal reviewer process. Paper selection and the reviewer process will be done by the journals. It is the participant's responsibility to follow the scopes, APC and index information of the journals.


Note: New journals will be added as agreements are completed.


Name: Advances in Food Sciences

Abstracts and Indexes: Chemical Abstract Service, C.A.B. International, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Food Science and Technology Abstracts(FSTA), CSA Civil Engineering Abstracts, CSA Mechanical & Transportation Engineering, EBSCO, German National Library,Bavarian State Library, German Journal Databank (ZDB), ETH-Library-Swiss, Biosis Citation Index(Web of Science),Biosis Previews(Web of Science)

Article Processing Charge: Free of charge


Name: Bilge International Journal of Science and Technology Research

Abstracts and Indexes: Index Copernicus, Crossref, AcademicKey, Araştırmax, CiteFactor, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI), Infobase Index, ROAD, JIFACTOR, Rootindexing, Science Library Index, Cosmos Index, Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR), Journal Factor, Google Scholar, Researchbib, Scientific Indexing Service (SIS), ISI (International Scientific Indexing), IPIndexing, ASOS Indeks, ScienceGate, Scilit, IJI Factor and ACAR Indeks.

Article Processing Charge: Free of charge


Name: Journal of Yalvaç Academy

Abstracts and Indexes: ASOS Indeks, ACAR Indeks and Google Scholar.

Article Processing Charge: Free of charge


Name: International Journal of Holistic Health, Sports and Recreation

Abstracts and Indexes: Index Copernicus, Sobiad

Article Processing Charge: 75 USD



Name: International Journal of Applied Sciences and Computational Engineering

Abstracts and Indexes: Google Scholar, ESJI

Article Processing Charge: Free of charge


Name: Science and Technique in the 21st Century

Abstracts and Indexes: ROAD, Google Scholar, DRJI, CiteFactor and ESJI

Article Processing Charge: Free of charge


Name: Academic Journal of History and Idea

Abstracts and Indexes: Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE)-WorldCat, SCİENCE İNDEX RU, PAIS International (Public Affairs Information Service), Scientific Indexing Service, CrossRef,Polska Bibliografia Naukowa (PBN), Turkologischer Anzeiger-ZDB, Index Islamicus, Brill, Wilson Social Sciences Full Text,, J-Gate Social Science & Humanities Full Text Journal List, MIAR, HAW HAMBURG, İNDEX COPERNİCUS, OALİB, Scilit, SOBİAD, MLA, ROOTİNDEXİNG, İSAM : İSLAMİ ARAŞTIRMALAR MERKEZİ, EuroPub, HINARI (United Nation's Database), ASCI, ERIH PLUS, Korea Open Access Platform for Researchers (KOAR), ACADEMİNDEX, WİKİCFP, IAD, ACADEMİA.EDU, (Sudoc) Répertoire des centres de ressources du SUDOC (France), ICONDA (The International Construction Database), Harvard University Database, National Science and Technology Library(NSTL), EZB- Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek, OPACs anderer Bibliotheken- FLORENZ Kunsthistorisches Institut MÜNCHEN Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte PARIS Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte ROMA Bibliotheca Hertziana, Academic Resource İndex

Article Processing Charge: 117 USD / 200 AZN / 1.500 TL


Name: Kosovo Educational Research Journal

Abstracts and Indexes: ASOS, WorldCat, ICI, Crossref,

Article Processing Charge: Free of charge



Explanation for participants submitting from Türkiye:

ÜAK Doçentlik Başvuruları yada Akademik Teşvik Yönetmeliği'nde yer alan uluslararası yayınevi kriterlerine uygun kitap yada kitap bölümü yayıncılığı yapılmaktadır. Kitap yada bölüm yayın maliyetleri için güncel bilgi alınması gerekmektedir.
